Curriculum Vitae
- October 2022 - Present: Associate Professor (permanent) (Graduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya University)
- October 2019 - September 2022: Designated Associate Professor (Global 30 International Program, Nagoya University)
- April 2017 - September 2019: YLC Assistant Professor (Institute for Advanced Research, Nagoya University)
- April 2017 - March 2018: Guest Scientist (Max-Planck Institute for Mathematics)
- April 2016 - March 2017: JSPS Postdoctoral fellow (Host: Hidekazu Furusho, Nagoya University)
- April 2012 - March 2016: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (Research assistant) (Universität Hamburg)
- 2012 - 2015: Associated member in the Research Training Group 1670 "Mathematics inspired by string theory and QFT".
- April 2012 - December 2015: PhD Student (Advisor: Ulf Kühn, Universität Hamburg)
PhD Thesis: Multiple Eisenstein series and q-analogues of multiple zeta values. - October 2006 - March 2012: Bachelor- & Mastercourse student (Advisor: Ulf Kühn, Universität Hamburg)
Masterthesis: Multiple Zeta-Werte und die Verbindung zu Modulformen durch Multiple Eisensteinreihen (2012)
(Multiple zeta values and the connection to modular forms via multiple Eisenstein series)
Bachelorthesis: Heckeoperatoren und Periodenpolynome (2010)
(Hecke operators and period polynomials)